Being a mom to several "above - average" height children, has taught me many things. One of the most important chapters I learned....I AM A BASKETBALL MOM!! My life as a teenager who loved sports, did not prepare me for what would take over my ENTIRE life. Not that it's a bad thing but how do you manage: work, homework (for myself and kids), be a dutiful wife, and still show up to random family or school functions. Well.....I can tell you this. It took many years of sleepless nights, missed games, late practices, long phone calls with other parents and an occasional slice of cheesecake and glass of wine with my best friend to pull this together to flow a bit more seamlessly.
There is no magic school bus that will appear at my children's schools to take them home. I had to become Ms. Frizzle. I had to make each trip to each practice, game or any other event a part of the learning opportunity. We took trips to various schools across the city and yes, homework was done in route and sometimes we were on public transportation but they also had to tell me: what was important about their day. Why did they get the opportunity to rise that day? How were they a good friend? A studious listener? Or what new friend did they eat with?
The many trips up and down the road taught me many lessons on organization and communication. I started using a dry erase board (that was hung in our dining room) to track the events for the week. Whether it was a parent/teacher meeting or a meeting I needed to prep for at work. EVERY thing went on the "BOARD OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS". I reviewed many links on Pinterest (Command post ideas; Kitchen command center; Another command center idea and finally found the one I loved most. (multiple calendar command)
There will and continues to be tweeks (and trips) in our constant change in schedules, and moving pieces in your day. But no matter what happens, the best advice someone gave me that I must share with you....BREATHE!! I know that sounds basic but listen, there is a difference in the type of breath you take. Are you breathing to survive or breathing in all that is happening around you? When you breathe in the title of SPORTS PARENT you breathe in all the tears, sweat, late nights, early mornings, travel and joys of being the example of all things possible.
There is no easy answer when your a working parent of children and add in an after school activity.....but there is no greater joy then being there for your child WIN or LOOSE. When you watch them reach goals set with a "but I can't" mindset. Remind yourself, as you remind them....YOU CAN!! Not because of the sacrifices you may be making for them but because YOU BELIEVE IN THEM!
And now....I'm off to update my board for May's activities. :) TTFN!!

There will and continues to be tweeks (and trips) in our constant change in schedules, and moving pieces in your day. But no matter what happens, the best advice someone gave me that I must share with you....BREATHE!! I know that sounds basic but listen, there is a difference in the type of breath you take. Are you breathing to survive or breathing in all that is happening around you? When you breathe in the title of SPORTS PARENT you breathe in all the tears, sweat, late nights, early mornings, travel and joys of being the example of all things possible.
There is no easy answer when your a working parent of children and add in an after school activity.....but there is no greater joy then being there for your child WIN or LOOSE. When you watch them reach goals set with a "but I can't" mindset. Remind yourself, as you remind them....YOU CAN!! Not because of the sacrifices you may be making for them but because YOU BELIEVE IN THEM!
And now....I'm off to update my board for May's activities. :) TTFN!!
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